Friday, 20 January 2012

Salmon is the girls' best friend

salmon & grilled vegetables
Ladies & gentlemen, let me introduce you someone who will become your best friend from today on. This special guest should be frequent in your kitchen since we are all getting older (hehe, not me, though) so our memory can always be "upgraded" by a natural Omega 3 rich food. And if I know women just a little, they try to put on their faces incredible products which promise miracles in their anti-aging fight, but my dear ladies, let me whisper you a secret: you are beautiful at every age, in our eyes you are the true "principessa" (princess).
So here is your new best friend, the salmon - accompanied with some tricolor grilled vegetables (californian paprika, zucchini and eggplants) which plate teases not only your mouth by already your eyes when you look at them.
I used some vegeta of course (to give some Hungarian touch as I noticed how much you like it), some garlic, rosmarino and obviously olive oil (perfect Italian quality which I took last summer in big quantity from Toscana). Speaking of Toscana, the glass on the picture is not so visible but let me tell you I opened one of my favourite wine, also from Toscana, called Vermentino which complements perfectly the taste of the fish.

So do not forget salmon from your next shopping list - I will show you different cooking styles later on!

Ciao a tutti & buon appetito!

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